Bradley Realtree Camo Smoker 4 Rack

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Bradley Realtree Camo Smoker 4

Even a Bradley Smoker can get all dressed up to stay at home. These Bradley Smokers have been spruced up for just that, thanks to Realtree Xtra® Camo. Wrapped in the famous camo pattern perfect for fall, winter and early spring hunting, this Bradley Smoker is perfect for your backyard, or cabin! With our easy-to-use jerky racks, and sausage hooks included the Realtree® Smoker is the perfect sidekick to end off any hunting trip.

The Bradley Smoker is a unique smoke house, sold complete with its accompanying smoke generator, in which flavour bisquettes are burned for 20 minutes each so that the temperature does not fluctuate. This eliminates high temperature gases, acids and resins that can distort the flavour of smoked food

£ POA   Quote Ref: BRC4R